Saturday, 25 April 2015

Enterprise Social Collaboration

What is the Enterprise Social Collaboration?

Enterprise Social Collaboration is a People-centric collaboration platform that goes beyond email, portals, and point social networking products to deliver a true collaboration that enabled a company to achieve business objectives.

üTo empower employees to engage across hierarchical boundaries and outside of the confines of formal business processes.

üTo extend knowledge, ideas, and experiences to the most employees are those that learn faster, innovate more, and make smarter decisions.

üIntegration with business application


  1. Foster a Culture of Communication & CollaboratioN
  2. Ignite the spark of innovation and collaboration
  3. Enable better risk management & engineering agility
  4. optimize sales effectiveness & intelligence
  5. increase employee engagement & satisfaction
System Architecture

System Features
Communicating & Collaborate
Follow, Like, Comment, Like, @Mention, #Hashtag
Company, Home, Bookmarked, Sent, @Mentions
Create Projects, Add Project Member, Assign Task, Update Timeline
Private Message
Send instant messages with individuals or groups.
Create group, Join group, Invite Group member
Searching & Filtering
Files, Directory
Share and discuss documents with individuals or the whole community to stay organized and keep work in context.
Personal Profile
Personal Details, Portal Activities.
Analytics, Invite User, Customization
Outlook, Other Business Application

1 comment:

  1. Nice detail bro!
    please visit my blog
