Saturday 25 April 2015

Malaysia Mobile Device Market


Mobile device had been revolutionized by the creation of smartphone. Below


 (Source: IDC Asia / Pacific Mobile Phone Tracker)

Smartphones kicked off a mobile revolution,‘ but it‘s become clear the revolution has proven nothing short of a rebuilding of the Internet. Just five short years ago in 2008, less than 1% of global Internet traffic came from mobile. Now that number is 15% and climbing by the day. 

(Source: IDC Malaysia Predictions 2014, 2014)

1. Monthly global mobile data traffic will surpass 10 exabytes in 2017
2. The increasing number of wireless devices that are accessing mobile networks worldwide is one of the primary contributors to traffic growth.
3. Smartphones lead the traffic growth

(Source: IDC Malaysia Predictions 2014, 2014)


(Source: Cisco VNI: Global Mobile Data Traffic Forecast Update, 2012.)


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